AG Academy

CAO and Senior Managers Four Day Programme


Best Western Peterborough
April 29 - May 2

Best Western North Bay
October 21-24

Programme Fee
$2395.00 plus HST = $2706.35*
• Includes three breakfasts, three lunches, two dinners and snacks

Registration Deadline
Registration Deadlines April 11 and October 3
CAO/Sr Managers Programme

By Email:
By Telephone: 519-671-1189
By Mail: Amberley Gavel, 35 Ambleside Dr., London ON N6G 4M3

Download Flyer (PDF - 913kb)

You will benefit by learning how to:

  • Deal with personal attacks from those
    who don't agree with your advice

  • Enhance your communications skills

  • Navigate the complex ethical framework
    for local governments

  • Prevent escalation of incivility

  • Understand the critical success factors
    for senior managers

  • Develop and use your personal network

  • Take advantage of Artificial Intelligence apps

  • Enhance your time management skills

  • Implement effective succession planning

  • Communicate the municipal financial dilemma

  • Become a more effective negotiator

  • Implement effective asset management

  • Manage conflict beneficially

  • Improve meeting efficiency and effectiveness

  • Develop leadership ability

  • Distinguish between activities, outputs, and outcomes

  • And much more…

 A Value packed Programme!

The Programme begins at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening and continues for the next two days and evenings, wrapping up at noon on Friday, allowing for maximum learning while minimizing your time away from both work and significant others.

Dozens of senior staff have taken this Programme since its original offering in 2008. Participants have become, or enhanced their roles as, CAOs since that time. Classes are kept small for your benefit. 


“Wow! Excellent value!”

“I learned something new and
practical in each area we covered.”

“I will be sending my SLT members
to your future sessions!”

Sessions Graphic

CAO/Sr Manager 4 Day Programme Leaders:

Fred Dean and Nigel Bellchamber have delivered hundreds of highly acclaimed training programmes and workshops in all parts of Ontario since 2002, from Kenora to Cornwall, from Windsorto Kirkland Lake.

They have also developed a Two Day Programme for the same audience, which is quite adaptable to local needs and local delivery.

In addition, a unique One Day Programme has been presented across the Province for municipal Administrative Support Professionals, those people who “have the backs” of Mayors and Senior Staff, and who are often the first point of contact with the public.

Amberley Gavel Educational Sessions

Nigel and Fred formed Amberley Gavel Ltd. in 2008 to undertake Closed Meeting Investigations. The firm has also served as Integrity Commissioner and Municipal Ombudsman. Since October 2022 they have conducted over 30 orientation sessions for newly elected Councils across Ontario. Having delivered educational sessions at every municipal Conference in Ontario, they continue to be invited to do so.